Yesterday was The Salon Professional Academy Ft Myers first day back from hurricane Ian. We hope everyone fared ok through this terrible hurricane, and thank you to all that reached out to check in. Thankfully, the school did not sustain any damage, and we were able to open back up yesterday for our Cosmetology and Esthetics students. Just like any first day, even though Richie and I were in Cocoa Beach, we definitely had the first day jitters!!
At our Cosmetology & Esthetics School, we make sure that our students understand that working on a guest creates an experience, and most times, personal connection. Do you notice how many people open up to their hairdresser or esthetician about deeply personal matters? Our Hair Training, and Skincare Training is purely technical, and chemistry. However, when that training is applied to a real human, combined with our own personality and style, something magical happens.
If you go back to our blogs, there is a series about the 5 senses of Beauty, and how that affects how we operate as a salon or spa professional. Touch is the obvious one that creates the meaningful connection, as this invites you to into their space that almost nobody else is allowed in. TSPA or The Salon Professional Academy believes that through the connections we make through hair and skin, we can deeply connect with our community. Some salons and spas are a staple in the community or the area. Maybe generations of guests have gone through the doors over the years. Even a stylist can have so many followers that they can encourage the younger generation to follow trends, or give back when its their turn to do so. There are so many ways to make those meaningful connections come to life.
We were able to witness this through Hurricane Ian, and are forever grateful.
Happy Back to School! We are grateful and hope the community recovers as soon as possible through this aftermath of Ian.
So much damage to the community near Fort Myers, FL after Hurricane Ian
with much love,
Ty Isobe
Please reach out to for any questions about our programs, or to book a tour.
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