When learning or acquiring a new skill, many things happen with our brain and nervous system. The Neuroscience behind learning a new skill is not only interesting, but could also assist in speeding up the process. Let’s take a look at some of the neuroscience behind learning a skill pertaining to cosmetology and esthetics.
Neuroscience is the scientific study of the nervous system, which includes the brain and spinal cord. In the nervous system, important cells called neurons send signals to different cells in different parts of the body. The sensory neurons transmute physical stimuli such as light and sound into neural signals. The motor neurons transmute neural signals into activation of muscles or glands. The primary function of the nervous system is simply controlling the body. In humans, it extends to the ability of language, transmission of culture, abstract representation of concepts, etc. Ok, got that basic bit? Let’s dive a tiny bit deeper and relate it to our training in Beauty School.
The first time holding shears to cut hair, or using any tools as a beauty professional, feels uncomfortable at first. Whats happening is there is an overload of commands and signals from the brain because it is a function that it has never performed before. Think bambi, or a baby with their arms and legs jerking around. At first we require much focus, almost like having blinders. We might even shake or cramp up initially. As we practice over and over again we reduce the amount of commands and signals to perform the task, and allow a more peripheral focus. It takes about 21 days to create a new habit, so practice is key.
Learning a new skill like how to handle shears properly, requires practice
When we refer to muscle memory, we are talking about the repetition of the task making it easier over time. However, our muscles do not have the capability to learn a skill. When we go back to our understanding of the nervous system, we realize it’s our brain doing the memorizing all along!
At The Salon Professional Academy Ft Myers, we integrate 3 types of learning to teach the curriculum to our students. With all 3 types covered, we believe we are able to maximize the impact on our students learning as an advanced training center.
Audio learning is when listening skills come to play. Listening to a educator teach Color Theory, the anatomy of the skin/hair/nails, or even having a guest speaker would fit into this category. Listening may sometimes seem boring or hard to do, however is an extremely important method of communicating the information. Our educators are experienced experts as estheticians and cosmetologists, and can relay that audio information relating to real life scenarios.
For visual learning, we provide demonstrations in physical and digital form. The access to this information remotely away on their own, makes digital education learner friendly. But there’s nothing like watching an educator demonstrate a haircut or a facial treatment live in front of you.
Kinesthetic is where we incorporate hands-on training to actually perform the task, whether on a mannequin, or a real guest. Being on the salon floor or spa with our educators guidance is where a lot of the learning takes place. Our focus is to give as much hands-on training as possible as most of our services require motor skills to perform them.
We love our students and are passionate about providing the best Cosmetology and Esthetics education possible. Our mission is always to prepare our students to continue to learn as they progress in their chosen careers.
With much Love,
Ty Isobe
Please reach out to admissions@tspaftmyers.com for any questions about our programs, or to book a tour.
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